About Me, Emmie…

I was born in the Canadian city of Toronto and currently work and live here. I was raised out in the city’s quiet suburbs as a child/teen and it was very difficult for me to find an identity. I listened to music and turned to writing and drawing to get through my teenhood. When I started studying Fine Arts at the Ontario College of Art and Design, I finally felt creatively inspired and got an Art education. As a young woman I then moved to Paris France, had my son, all the while trying out the artist life, and not surprisingly I got burnt out. Now I seek a more healthy, simple way of living. As a woman, I’ve always felt that with fashion and make-up, it can be a powerful tool for self expression. Having fun with fashion and beauty has the ability to create choices for women, improve our quality of life in small, everyday ways. This journal is to illustrate that.

In 2018, I decided to be formally trained as a hairstylist, to add that to my arsenal of beauty industry skills to offer.  After completing my hair schooling and apprenticeship, I am now working out of Queen’s Shop Hair Salon in Westend Toronto. Click here to book with me if you are in town!

What do you think? Let me know!

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